So many people suffer pain every day of their lives, and for the most part drug therapy is the only form of relief, and for many reasons that is often not the answer. In hypnosis, we can turn down pain and, when necessary, release any negativity which can feed and enhance the pain. I also teach techniques for patients to use at home to reinforce the clinical sessions.
From the research studies below...
"Our findings strengthen the assertion that hypnosis is a very efficacious intervention for alleviating clinical pain". (Leonard, 2021)
"As a result, the group participants gained a greater sense of control over the pain, eased or abolished the pain, and decreased the stress, anxiety and depression associated with chronic pain." (Pavlek, 2008)
"We conclude that, while both structured empathy and hypnosis decrease procedural pain and anxiety, hypnosis provides more powerful anxiety relief without undue cost and thus appears attractive for outpatient pain management." (Lang, 2006)
"Clinical trials show that hypnosis is effective for reducing chronic pain, although outcomes vary between individuals." (Jensen, 2014)
Hypnotic Approaches for Chronic Pain Management: Clinical Implications of Recent Research Findings
Mark P. Jensen and David R. Patterson Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Washington.
Am Psychol. 2014 ; 69(2): 167–177
The empirical support for hypnosis for chronic pain management has flourished over the past two decades. Clinical trials show that hypnosis is effective for reducing chronic pain, although outcomes vary between individuals. The findings from these clinical trials also show that hypnotic treatments have a number of positive effects beyond pain control. Neurophysiological studies reveal that hypnotic analgesia has clear effects on brain and spinal-cord functioning that differ as a function of the specific hypnotic suggestions made, providing further evidence for the specific effects of hypnosis. The research results have important implications for how clinicians can help their clients experience maximum benefits from hypnosis and treatments that include hypnotic components.
Hypnosis and the Alleviation of Clinical Pain: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis
Leonard S. Milling,Keara E. Valentine,Lindsey M. LoStimolo,Alyssa M. Nett &Hannah S. McCarley
Pages 297-322 | Received 24 Aug 2020, Accepted 14 Nov 2020, Published online: 26 May 2021
This is the first comprehensive meta-analysis in approximately 20 years of all controlled studies of
the use of hypnosis for relieving clinical pain. To be included, studies were required to utilize a
between-subjects or mixed model design in which a hypnosis intervention was compared with
a control condition in alleviating any form of clinical pain. Of 523 records screened, 42 studies
incorporating 45 trials of hypnosis met the inclusion criteria. Our most conservative estimates
of the impact of hypnosis on pain yielded mean weighted effect sizes of 0.60 (p ≤ .001) for 40
post trials and 0.61 (p ≤ .001) for 9 follow-up trials. These effect sizes fall in the medium range
according to Cohen’s guideline and suggest the average participant receiving hypnosis reduced
pain more than about 73% of control participants. Hypnosis was moderated by the overall
methodological quality of trials—the mean weighted effect size of the 19 post trials without
high risk ratings on any of the Cochrane Risk of Bias dimensions was 0.77 (p ≤ .001). Hypnosis
was also moderated by hypnotic suggestibility, with 6 post trials producing a mean weighted
effect size of r = 0.53 (p ≤ .001). Our findings strengthen the assertion that hypnosis is a very
efficacious intervention for alleviating clinical pain.
Pavlek, Mirko. (Dec 2008). Paining Out: An Integrative Pain
Therapy Model. Clinical Social Work Journal, Vol 36(4), 385-393.
This article describes and evaluates an integrative pain therapy model as a
beneficial form of pain-management for chronic pain. The author based his model
on cognitive-behavioural modalities, progressive relaxation combined with art
therapy, sensory awareness combined with indirect clinical hypnosis, formal
clinical hypnosis and self-hypnosis. Those techniques were applied in small group
settings to systematically alter pain perception, pain interpretations and response to
pain for the group participants’ benefit. As a result, the group participants gained a
greater sense of control over the pain, eased or abolished the pain, and decreased
the stress, anxiety and depression associated with chronic pain. The techniques used
were synthesized into ten group therapy sessions. A small data sample suggests that
the model has clinical utility and maintained its benefits in a 6- to 12-month follow-up.
Jensen, Mark P. (Oct 2008). The Neurophysiology of Pain Perception
and Hypnotic Analgesia: Implications for Clinical Practice.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol 51(2), 123-148.
Although there remains much to be learned, a great deal is now known about the
neurophysiological processes involved in the experience of pain. Research confirms
that there is no single focal “centre” in the brain responsible for the experience of
pain. Rather, pain is the end product of a number of integrated networks that
involve activity at multiple cortical and subcortical sites. Our current knowledge
about the neurophysiological mechanisms of pain has important implications for
understanding the mechanisms underlying the effects of hypnotic analgesia
treatments, as well as for improving clinical practice. This article is written for the
clinician who uses hypnotic interventions for pain management. It begins with an
overview of what is known about the neurophysiological basis of pain and hypnotic
analgesia, and then discusses how clinicians can use this knowledge for (1)
organizing the types of suggestions that can be used when providing hypnotic
treatment, and (2) maximizing the efficacy of hypnotic interventions in clients
presenting with pain problems.
Fass, Arthur. (2008). Hypnosis for Pain Management. In Weintraub,
Michael I. (Ed); Mamtani, Ravinder (Ed); Micozzi, Marc S. (Ed).
Complementary and Integrative Medicine in Pain Management, (pp.
29-40). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co.
Hypnosis has earned a secure place in the modern armamentarium against pain.
Given its long and somewhat chequered history this may seem an unlikely
development. However, in spite of a somewhat mysterious quality, and its
occasional use in some decidedly unscientific quarters, the medical community has
maintained a continued interest in its clinical use. In the course of recent years, the
science of hypnosis has greatly expanded. There are now abundant reports
published in the medical literature describing the benefits of hypnotherapy for a
variety of medical conditions. In addition, numerous controlled studies of its effects
have appeared. The technique has found important applications in the treatment of
such varied disorders as migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety,
phobias, as an aid to smoking cessation, as well as in the relief of chronic and acute
pain. With the advent of sophisticated brain imaging techniques, such as MRI and
PET scanning, it has been possible for the first time to understand some of the
physiologic changes that accompany a hypnotic state. This chapter will deal
primarily with the use of hypnosis in the management of pain. The anxiety-relieving
properties of hypnosis are intimately associated with its analgesic effects and will
also be discussed. Whenever possible, reference will be made to prospective,
controlled studies, the foundation of clinical research, in validating therapeutic
applications. The authors start with a look back on the fascinating history of
hypnosis and its evolution as a modern therapeutic technique.
Lutgendorf, Susan K.; Lang, Elvira V.; Berbaum, Kevin S.; Russell,
Daniel; Berbaum, Michael L.; Logan, Henrietta; Benotsch, Eric G.;
Schulz-Stubner, Sebastian; Turesky, Derek; Spiegel, David. (Feb-Mar
2007). Effects of Age on Responsiveness to Adjunct Hypnotic
Analgesia During Invasive Medical Procedures. Psychosomatic
Medicine, Vol 69(2), 191-199.
Objectives: To assess the effects of age on responsiveness to self-hypnotic
relaxation as an analgesic adjunct in patients undergoing invasive medical
procedures. Material and Methods: Secondary data analysis from a prospective trial
with 241 patients randomized to receive hypnosis, attention, and standard care
treatment during interventional radiological procedures. Growth curve analyses,
hierarchical linear regressions, and logistic regressions using orthogonal contrasts
were used for analysis. Outcome measures were Hypnotic Induction Profile scores,
self-reported pain and anxiety, medication use, oxygen desaturation =89%, and
procedure time. Results: Hypnotisability did not vary with age (p = .19). Patients
receiving attention and hypnosis had greater pain reduction during the procedure (p
= .02), with trends toward lower pain with hypnosis (p = .07); this did not differ by
age. As age increased, patients experienced more rapid pain control with hypnosis
(p = .03). There was more rapid anxiety reduction with attention and hypnosis (p =
.03). Trends toward lower final anxiety were also observed with attention and
hypnosis versus standard care (p = .08), and with hypnosis versus attention (p =
.059); these relationships did not differ by age. Patients requested and received less
medication and had less oxygen desaturation =89% with attention and hypnosis (p <
.001); this did not differ by age. However, as age increased, oxygen desaturation
was greater in standard care (p = .03). Procedure time was reduced in the attention
and hypnosis groups (p = .007); this did not vary by age. Conclusions: Older
patients are hypnotizable and increasing age does not appear to mitigate the
usefulness of hypnotic analgesia during invasive medical procedures.
Lang, Elvira V.; Berbaum, Kevin S.; Faintuch, Salomao; Hatsiopoulou,
Olga; Halsey, Noami; Li, Xinyu; Berbaum, Michael L.; Laser, Eleanor;
Baum, Janet. (Dec 2006). Adjunctive Self-hypnotic Relaxation for
Outpatient Medical Procedures: A Prospective Randomized Trial
with Women Undergoing Large Core Breast Biopsy. Pain, Vol
126(1-3), 155-164.
Medical procedures in outpatient settings have limited options of managing pain
and anxiety pharmacologically. We therefore assessed whether this can be achieved
by adjunct self-hypnotic relaxation in a common and particularly anxiety provoking
procedure. Two hundred and thirty-six women referred for large core needle breast
biopsy to an urban tertiary university-affiliated medical centre were prospectively
4110 Journal of Heart-Centred Therapies, 2010, Vol. 13, No. 1
randomized to receive standard care (n = 76), structured empathic attention (n =
82), or self-hypnotic relaxation (n = 78) during their procedures. Patients’ self-ratings
at 10 min-intervals of pain and anxiety on 0-10 verbal analog scales with
0 = no pain/anxiety at all, 10 = worst pain/anxiety possible, were compared in an
ordinal logistic regression model. Women’s anxiety increased significantly in the
standard group (logit slope = 0.18, p < 0.001), did not change in the empathy group
(slope = -0.04, p = 0.45), and decreased significantly in the hypnosis group (slope =
-0.27, p < 0.001). Pain increased significantly in all three groups (logit slopes:
standard care = 0.53, empathy = 0.37, hypnosis = 0.34; all p < 0.001) though less
steeply with hypnosis and empathy than standard care (p = 0.024 and p = 0.018,
respectively). Room time and cost were not significantly different in an univariate
ANOVA despite hypnosis and empathy requiring an additional professional: 46
min/$161 for standard care, 43 min/$163 for empathy, and 39 min/$152 for
hypnosis. We conclude that, while both structured empathy and hypnosis decrease
procedural pain and anxiety, hypnosis provides more powerful anxiety relief
without undue cost and thus appears attractive for outpatient pain management.
Elkins, Gary; White, Joseph; Patel, Parita; Marcus, Joel; Perfect,
Michelle M.; Montgomery, Guy H. (Oct 2006). Hypnosis to Manage
Anxiety and Pain Associated with Colonoscopy for Colorectal
Cancer Screening: Case Studies and Possible Benefits. International
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Vol 54(4), 416-431.
This study explored using hypnosis for pain and anxiety management in 6
colonoscopy patients (5 men, 1 woman), who received a hypnotic induction and
instruction in self-hypnosis on the day of their colonoscopy. Patients’ levels of
anxiety were obtained before and after the hypnotic induction using Visual
Analogue Scales (VAS). Following colonoscopy, VASs were used to assess anxiety
and pain during colonoscopy, perceived effectiveness of hypnosis, and patient
satisfaction with medical care. Hypnotisability was assessed at a separate
appointment. The authors also obtained data (time for procedure, number of
vasovagal events, and recovery time) for 10 consecutive patients who received
standard care. Results suggest that hypnosis appears to be a feasible method to
manage anxiety and pain associated with colonoscopy, reduces the need for
sedation, and may have other benefits such as reduced vasovagal events and
recovery time.