Weight loss is complex, largely due to excess weight always being linked to emotional trauma from one's past and that can take any form and be from any time or multiple times. Hypnotherapy is the most powerful, life-changing and effective method for changing one's life that is available, and to lose significant excess weight it has to be life-changing... and one must want it. Within hypnosis, we turn around negative thinking and generate worthiness, confidence, self-love and self-belief. Setting free any underlying pain or traumatic events; freeing oneself from emotional/behavioural issues and patterns, and learning how to believe in, and love oneself. If a patient comes to me and doesn't want to deal with all the 'past stuff' and only wants help with dieting, I will first try to convince them otherwise and if I can't get them to see the real cause, suggest they find another therapist. It's about a deep-seated relationship with the self not about going on a diet.
From the research below...
"Averaged across post-treatment and follow-up assessment periods, the mean weight loss was 6.00 lbs. (2.72 kg) without hypnosis and 11.83 lbs. (5.37 kg) with hypnosis". (Kirsch)
"At the end of the 9-week program, both interventions resulted in significant weight reduction. However, at the 8-month and 2-year follow-ups, the hypnosis clients showed significant additional weight loss, while those in the behavioural treatment exhibited little further change". (Bolocofsky)
Sapp, Marty; Obiakor, Festus E.; Scholze, Steffanie; Gregas, Amanda
J. (Spr 2007). Confidence Intervals and Hypnosis in the Treatment
of Obesity. Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy and
Hypnosis, Vol 28(2), 25-33.
This study surveys the research on hypnosis and obesity over the past 25 years.
Confidence intervals were used to provide upper and lower limits of hypnosis in the
treatment of obesity. Previous studies have found mixed results. For example,
Levitt (1993) reported an average correlation between weight loss and hypnotic
susceptibility of .550, p > .05. A 95% confidence interval around the population
correlation coefficient was -.060 for the lower limit and .91 for the upper limit.
Allison and Faith (1996) found a point estimate for d of .26 for hypnosis and weight
loss (small effect size), and Kirsch (1996) found a point estimate for hypnosis and
“Of the programs currently available [for treating self-defeating
eating], cognitive behavioural techniques have the best empirical
record and it appears that hypnosis may prove a useful adjunct to
the treatment program.” (Hutchinson-Phillips & Gow, 2005, p. 113)
weight loss of .98 (large effect size).The current study found a 95% confidence
interval around the population d of (-.4562, .9549) for the Allison and Faith study,
and (-.0440, 1.9449) for the Kirsch study. Point estimates between the two studies
did not differ. The current study found that results of Allison and Faith and Kirsch
have overlapping confidence intervals. Finally, power values were low for both
confidence intervals and more studies are needed to improve statistical power.
Anbar, Ran D.; Savedoff, Aaron D. (Oct-Jan 2005-2006). Treatment
of Binge Eating with Automatic Word Processing and Self-Hypnosis:
A Case Report. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis,
Vol 48(2-3), 191-198.
Binge eating frequently is related to emotional stress and mood problems. In this
report, we describe a 16-year-old boy who utilized automatic word processing
(AWP) and self-hypnosis techniques in treatment of his binge eating, and associated
anxiety, insomnia, migraine headaches, nausea, and stomach-aches. He was able to
reduce his anxiety by gaining an understanding that it originated as a result of fear
of failure. He developed a new cognitive strategy through AWP, after which his
binge eating resolved and his other symptoms improved with the aid of self-hypnosis.
Thus, AWP may have helped achieve resolution of his binge eating by
uncovering the underlying psychological causes of his symptoms, and self-hypnosis
may have given him a tool to implement a desired change in his behaviour.
Hutchinson-Phillips, Susan; Gow, Kathryn. (Sep 2005). Hypnosis as
an Adjunct to CBT: Treating Self-defeating Eaters. Journal of
Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapies, Vol 5(2), 113-138.
Self-defeating eating has negative effects on the lives of a large number of people in
the western world. In Australia, obesity and overweight is on the rise, affecting
twenty-five percent of children, and between thirty and fifty percent of adults. Both
dietary restriction and over-indulgence in high fat, calorie laden foods with little
nutrient value have a large negative impact on the health of at least one half of the
western world. Treatment options are inadequate, in terms of availability and
efficacy. Of the programs currently available, cognitive behavioural techniques
have the best empirical record and it appears that hypnosis may prove a useful
adjunct to the treatment program.
Kirsch, I. (1996). Hypnotic Enhancement of Cognitive-Behavioural
Weight Loss Treatments--Another Meta-Reanalysis. Journal of
Consulting & Clinical Psychology, Vol. 64, 517-9.
In a 3rd meta-analysis of the effect of adding hypnosis to cognitive-behavioural
treatments for weight reduction, additional data were obtained from authors of 2
studies, and computational inaccuracies in both previous meta-analyses were
corrected. The mean effect size of this difference was 0.66 SD. At the last
assessment period, the mean weight loss was 6.03 lbs. (2.74 kg) without hypnosis
and 14.88 lbs. (6.75 kg) with hypnosis. The effect size for this difference was 0.98
SD. Correlational analyses indicated that the benefits of hypnosis increased
substantially over time (r = .74).
Johnson, D. L., Karkut, R. T. (1996). Participation in
Multicomponent Hypnosis Treatment Programs for Women’s
Weight Loss with and without Overt Aversion. Psychological
Reports, Vol. 79, 659-68.
Studies of hypnotic, covert and overt aversive techniques have yielded equivocal
results when each has been examined for a singular effect on weight lost. Some
have advocated study of effective combinations of techniques before investing in
other applications. Two programs of hypnosis, imagery, diet, tape, behaviour
management and support but differing in the overt use of aversion (electric shock,
disgusting tastes smells) were examined. A total of 172 overweight adult women
were treated, 86 in a hypnosis only and 86 in an overt aversion and hypnosis
program. Both programs achieved significant weight losses. Although subjects who
received overt aversion attained somewhat more desired goals and lost more weight
than subjects recovering only hypnosis, the differences were not significant.
Vanderlinden, J., Vandereycken, W. (1994). The (Limited)
Possibilities of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Obesity.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 36, 248-57.
In this paper we review the possibilities and limitations of hypnotherapeutic
techniques in the treatment of obesity. In spite of some promising reports, the
findings and opinions about the effectiveness of hypnosis in the treatment of obesity
vary greatly. We provide a brief overview of specific hypnotherapeutic techniques--
such as teaching relaxation, increasing self-control, encouraging physical exercise,
altering self-esteem and body image, strengthening motivation, and exploring
ambivalence for change--that can be involved in a multidimensional approach to
obesity. Case reports illustrate the use of these techniques.
Cochrane, G. (1992). Hypnosis and Weight Reduction: Which Is the
Cart and Which Is the Horse? American Journal of Clinical
Hypnosis, Vol. 35, 109-18.
Hypnosis has often been described as a useful adjunctive treatment for excess
weight. However, the literature shows that very few controlled studies have been
conducted in this realm, and none have incorporated the key variables of either the
hypnosis components or the weight-reduction components. In this paper I offer a
brief review of the literature on hypnosis for weight reduction, present weight-reduction
outcome data, outline variables common to people with chronic weight
problems, and I offer suggestions for future uses of hypnosis within a
comprehensive approach to weight reduction rather than as the primary treatment.
Suggestions are also made concerning the multiple opportunities for future research
using hypnosis in the substance-abuse field.
Stanton, H. E. (1989). Ego-enhancement: A Five-step Approach.
American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol. 31, 192-8.
The present article describes an ego-enhancement procedure which combines
hypnotic induction, trance deepening, positive suggestion, and imagery in a five-step
package. This procedure may be used in a generalized form with no reference
to the patient’s presenting symptoms or it may be tailored to address specific
problems. The elements comprising the package are: (1) physical relaxation, (2)
mental calming, (3) disposal of mental rubbish, (4) removal of a barrier
representing everything that is negative in the life of the subject, and (5) enjoyment
of a special place where the subject feels content. Opportunities to tailor the
approach to handle specific problems occur within each of these five steps,
particularly when patients are in their special place. Three case studies are provided
to indicate how such tailoring is done.
Bolocofsky, D. N., Spinler, D., Coulthard-Morris, L. (1985).
Effectiveness of Hypnosis as an Adjunct to Behavioural Weight
Management. Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 41, 35-41.
This study examined the effect of adding hypnosis to a behavioural weight-management
program on short-term and long-term weight change. One hundred nine
subjects, who ranged in age from 17 to 67, completed a behavioural treatment either
with or without the addition of hypnosis. At the end of the 9-week program, both
interventions resulted in significant weight reduction. However, at the 8-month and
2-year follow-ups, the hypnosis clients showed significant additional weight loss,
while those in the behavioural treatment exhibited little further change. More of the
subjects who used hypnosis also achieved and maintained their personal weight
goals. The utility of employing hypnosis as an adjunct to a behavioural weight-management program is discussed.